Sleep is one of the basic needs of living things. Not just limited to humans, animals and tumbuhanpun need to sleep as a collection of energy for the next growth. But generally most of people are more concerned with quantity than quality sleep. No wonder many of us who feel the portion of sleep enough, but it was not in the actual quality of sleep. Because sleep is good and healthy is that quality is maintained, fairly and soundly alias. Not easy to wake up and nightmares.
Sleeping & Personality
Just a few hours sleep when we can rest our minds and hearts of the reduction of daily activity, then tidurpun will find quality. Because as I have ever read in some holistic health articles, healthy sleep such that we are deep in meditation. All the energy focused on what we're doing. Is not tidurpun meripakan one that also requires a separate work we focus?
So to achieve energy balance mind and also a feeling, a good sleep can we make meditation, relaxing, and also kontlempasi by itself.
Unconscious conscious, we have menterapi yourself with simple things of everyday activities through sleep. A good sleep is also best to be on time. Not too early nor too late. Sleeping on his watch. For those who move regularly this is easy as possible. Because we can regulate their own sleep time. But for those irregular activities, such as film artists, for example, the hours are sometimes reversed. Lunch could be a night, vice versa, of course requires its own strategy to get good quality sleep.
Because not possible to always adjusted to the cycle of the body, the sleep activity is more inevitably must follow our system of working hours.
So it is best, go to sleep when there is a chance to rest. Sleep really to sleep. An hour or two hours will be enough though, when all our energies focused on sleep time. Also do not mind split in two with still leaves about jobs. Leave work at your assistant, and sleep for a moment with the totality of goods such as when you're doing your job or hobby.